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My Loved One Was Convicted of a Crime—What Do I Do Now? Part I
It can be an incredibly frightening experience to have a loved one that has been convicted of a crime after trial. The resulting conviction can possibly lead to an adjudication of guilt, jail or prison time, probation, and fines. Being adjudicated guilty of a crime means that the conviction will always be on their record, the conviction cannot be sealed or expunged, and it will likely show up on a background check. This can negatively affect their current and future employment. Generally speaking, the court is more likely to sentence someone to jail or prison when a person is convicted after...

Hit And Run In Florida
After an accident, the driver of a vehicle involved can become scared or be concerned that he or she does not have a valid driver’s license. As a result, the driver does not stop to exchange information with the other motorist. In Florida, the law requires that the driver of a car or vehicle who is involved in an accident to stop and exchange information. After an accident a motorist must immediately stop his or her vehicle at the scene of the crash or as close thereto as possible, promptly notify the other driver the driver’s name, address, registration number, and show his or her...

How A Criminal Conviction Can Affect Doctors, Nurses, And Healthcare Professionals
When a doctor, nurse, or healthcare professional is arrested in Florida, the criminal case can have drastic consequences depending on the outcome. Your license can be denied or disqualified even if you plead no contest or adjudication is withheld. The law requires a doctor, nurse, or healthcare professional to make a written report within 30 days after you have been convicted or enter a plea to a crime in any jurisdiction. Florida Statutes § 456.072(1)(x). A doctor, nurse, or healthcare professional could be subject to discipline if you are convicted or found...